About us

The Bag House is a glorified brand that falls under BBB group of companies, Dubai, UAE. For us bags are more than just products, whether they are ladies bags, office bags or travel bags. They are partners we choose to carry to places we go to. Therefore, we have high expectations from them as well as we trust them.

Nowadays, with the world transforming rapidly towards technology and constant change, customer's wants and needs are changing with them. Thus, here at the bag house we offer all sorts of bags that suit the modern day traveler.

The Bag House is a retailer that enjoys exclusive international brands all through the luggage & travel accessories industry, we represent brands such as Pierre Cardin, Antler, Roncato, Sonada, Verage, & Wires. The Bag House offers unique collections from its brands that are always cutting edge in design, technology & quality.


Physical Stores:

The Bag House - The Dubai Mall, LG Floor


The Bag House is Owned & Managed by : Bed Bags & Beyond (L.L.C), Dubai, UAE.